What to expect on a Sunday
We invite you to join us this Sunday! When you visit, you can expect to find a group of people who will love you and welcome you for who you are. You will see different types of people, from different walks of life. You will see children, teenagers, middle-aged folks, and elderly men and women. Some will be wearing coats and ties. Some will be wearing jeans. Come as you are, and see if this is the church home for you.

Before Worship
Our worship begins at 10am. But before that you will find people mingling and catching up with one another. We are known for our big hearts and welcoming arms. Come early, meet some new people, and be encouraged.

Our pastor doesn't preach behind a pulpit but uses a stool, slides, and his Bible to bring an expositional, theological, and relevant message each week. If you're looking for a fresh and authentic word from God, this is the place for you.

The Side Entrance is closest to the parking lot and is near our nursery and toddler areas.
The Lobby Entrance faces 10th Street and provides quick access to a ramp leading to the sanctuary.
The Front Entrance leads directly into the sanctuary.
Security is also a priority so some entrances may be locked or monitored by staff during service.

We usually use a piano and guitars to sing a mixture of contemporary songs and classical hymns. We typically sing three songs at the beginning of our service and one song at the end. Whether you're new to church or a long-time church goer, you'll appreciate the unique mixture our worship team provides.

We have clean and safe nursery and toddler spaces for children age 0 to 2 yr old. There is a check-in process and parents receive a pager to take with them to the worship service.
We have a PreK class for for 3-5 year olds. It lasts the entire duration of the adult worship service.
We have a Primary class for K-1st grade. It lasts the entire duration of the adult worship service.
We have junior church for children 2nd to 5th grade. These children stay with their parents in the main sanctuary until they are dismissed before the sermon. Communion is available in junior church for children who have been baptized.